Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Answer

Erol Hasan asked a question in one of the group forums that I subscribe to. He wanted to know what the future was for MNI  (Michael Newton Institute). The conversation that followed was memorable in my opinion and I wanted to preserve it. Here it is in its entirety. I've included Erol Hasan's name because he posted the question. I've included Peter Smith's name because he answered the question. The other participant's are initials only. For clarity's sake TNI:  The Newton Institute. LBL: Life Between Lives  PLR: Past Life Regression

Erol Hasan: What is the future of TNI? Dr. Newton's work needs to evolve and expand and be researched at a higher level. Does Dr. Newton have someone to carry on his work? I appreciate all the TNI therapists trained according to is incredible technique, but what is the rate of growth in terms of numbers of therapists? It worries me that we become a minority of people with a mutual interest not taken seriously. This work cannot be denied, but how do we make this more available to the masses? As a final point, I am 100% sure that there are a huge number of people out there who are oblivious to his amazing and in depth work.

ALA(TNI Admin) Yes. There is a research program being developed within TNI and other projects in education and also creating a library where information can be accessed as well.. There are also other projects being created that are also going forward. Since most work is on a volunteer basis and everyone has to work for economic equilibrium these things take the time they take... But dedication to evolution is something important and there is always more to learn and share.

EH: Thank you Allison ,it's reassuring to know that things are going in the right direction. After all ,it is a bridge in the next stage of our spiritual evolution.

MeAnother psychologist, perhaps?

Peter Smith Following on from Allison's comments, the number of TNI Certified LBL therapists have quadrupled since 2005. We prefer to grow steadily, as our prerequisites are high and our path to certification robust. We now number 200 Therapists across 25 or so countries. We grow at the rate of about 10 to 15% per year. We re-validate Michael's amazing work around the globe on a daily basis. Our dedicated people are the custodians of his legacy to humankind. Peter Smith (President TNI)

EHThanks Peter, it's nice to know that there is positive and gradual growth. I like the fact that his work is re-validated every day. I've been thinking how we, as members of this forum can put the message eloquently, out there. I have tried with individuals I personally know, but I often get labelled 'eccentric,' for want of a better word. We have a lot to share.

Me But does a TNI therapist have the credentials necessary to perpetuate Dr. Newton's work and research?

CALydia Lawrence, in order to apply for TNI training, a hypnotherapist has to be very experienced and skilled and have the CV to prove it. Then TNI carefully select a handful of people from all the applications. These hand picked few are then trained by loving, caring, dedicated TNI instructors. TNI do not teach hypnotherapy, a therapist needs to be well versed in all aspects of hypnotherapy before even thinking of applying. TNI then teach this wonderful LBL modality... the week of training is not only a skills based week, its a major magical shift for those attending, its a deeply spiritual experience..... and each of us (in our different countries) are all adding to the work by documenting, discussing, sharing and building upon the work. Hope that answers your question? But please read what Peter Smith said above....

CA Erol Hasan remember, when the student is ready, the teacher appears. You can only promote this work to those who are ready. Thanks for being an active, positive member of our community....

ALA:  Lydia Lawrence, as Catherine Ann has written above, a TNI therapist has to be very experienced to be accepted to an LBL training, this requires documentation supporting a minimum of 200 hours of formal hypnosis education and a minimum of two years experience as a hypnotherapy practitioner. Additionally, certification or formal training and experience in using hypnotherapy to facilitate Past Life Regression. As well most TNI therapists bring other qualifications from training an degrees in in other fields and usually continue to studying and exploring and following researches to add to their 'tool box of techniques'. There are forum discussions where TNI therapists share and discuss case studies and techniques and therapists form connections with other TNI therapists where they can share learning. And just to note: the mentoring system is quite in depth. Not only for the associate Therapists- who once they complete their training have their own mentor for the 9 months while they complete their case studies for certification, but there are peer mentors as well for newly certified therapists. And TNI education is an active growing area which has Michael Newton's feedback and approval. So, yes the credentials and even more- we have  Michael Newton's wisdom guiding us to evolve...

ALAAlso regarding others coming into this form of awareness, we can seed a thought and do not always see the result ourselves, and while all roads lead to Rome, everyone has their own way of following their journey.

ALA But PS, it is always good to ask a question for from this we can learn something new all the time. Thinking about your questions I am reflecting upon that, I who have not been into organizations find TNI beyond impressive as it has a structure that is just as loving and nourishing for the Therapist members to grow and learn to become therapists that resonates the same involvement caring and thoroughness the therapist themselves are taught to create as an environment for their clients in sessions. So the whole structure reflects the teachings.

At this point I really thought that I was being given the runaround. I felt that the question was being avoided. So I asked the next question hoping that someone, anyone would give a clear, concise answer. And someone did. 

 MeTo be clear, I am in no way minimizing what you do and there is no disrespect here. I would love to do what you do. Talk about a life of service! What you do is amazing to me and I hope to have my own PLR and LBL one day. I would learn so much more about my life from that perspective. But there is a difference between researching what he started (thereby taking it somewhere else) and doing what you are taught or trained to do. Can you take what you all do and call it quantifiable research? Or is it your training being put to use? Not the same. Can you compile all your data and publish your results as research? It would truly be amazing to see his work expanded on. To me, the difference would be like learning to fly a biplane and always flying that biplane or learning to fly a biplane so that you could move on to fly a jet one day.

Peter SmithYes Lydia, there is a difference. To the best of my knowledge and understanding, Michael's life's work is the most comprehensive repository of information on the spiritual realm ever assembled in the history of humankind. He did this with one particular purpose and that was to offer to people a sense of their immortal identity and life purpose by personal experience, outside any influences of religious doctrine and teachings. By pursuing and validating the very nature of the afterlife legend, his work supports some aspects of mainstream religions. 7000 souls came forward to be his clients and the body of work was established. The intention of our certified people is to now offer the most powerful experience of a client's own consciousness that can be found in body at this time. The benefit of this is that the conscious mind comes too. For my mind THAT is the most powerful aspect of our work - "Spiritual Integration". The Conscious Mind meets the Superconscious Mind. An LBL Therapist's intention is not research, it is to offer a client centered, soul awakening, life changing experience. Having said all that, we have noticed many LBL sessions that move beyond the standard parameters of Michael's research and we need to move on that. The 4th book in the series "Memories of the Afterlife", signaled the work of one person has become the work of many, given we had 32 authors who worked alongside a willing client, to take their stories to the world. Book royalties are all donated to TNI by those authors so we can start to build further projects. One of those is now research and in 2012 we appointed three Research Team Leaders and a Research Coordinator. We are in transition now from being a group of Therapists to Research Gatherers and this is a huge change to the deep calling we all answered to assemble as an amazing group of light workers, here to help to shift the consciousness of humankind. An LBL Therapist's greatest asset is their heart. A researcher needs to use their head. We will find the right mix as this evolves for us where we can use both. Nothing will be published soon, and we will make a start somewhere during 2013. I encourage you to have your own session, as by doing just that you extend and evolve Michael's wonderful legacy to humankind. We've also found that after your personal experience of the LBL state that the research no longer matters as much. Regards, Peter Smith.

MeThank you so much. In appreciation and gratitude...

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