Dear Bruce,
There are no words that can describe just how excited I am to finally, finally see you in concert. This has been a long time coming...28 long years.
First time I ever listened to your music was the summer of '83, I think. I was at my brother Carlos' house and he put on Thunder Road. Sipping beer on a hot summer night. That's all it took. That moment was forever captured and each time I hear Thunder Road I go back to that time.
And that's how it's been over the years. Each time a new album would come out it never failed that a song would capture whatever my life experience was at the time. Whether it was love, desire, loneliness, darkness, heartache or heartbreak, feelings of patriotism, loyalty, excitement, friendship, etc... , whatever I was experiencing or feeling, there was a song of yours that I could attach the moment to and embed it.
It amazed me, and it still does, that you could take my experiences and thoughts and put words to them. You then captured my emotions and they became music. Your lyrics were always succinct and to the point and the melodies made my heart soar.
I know that at the end of my life, as my spirit leaves this body, it will be your music playing softly in the background. The highlights of my life captured forever in your songs. It will be your voice that takes me home.
I love, love, love you.
Your number one fan,